How My Daughter Inspired It All! From Eczema To Award Nomination!

How My Daughter Inspired It All! From Eczema To Award Nomination!



Simone would laugh if she knew this was all her fault… because it all started with her! 
When she was a baby, eczema made her little life miserable. Nothing helped. Prescription after prescription, but the long term effects worried me. I felt helpless, watching her struggle. 
Then I found a way. A wonderful lady showed me how to work with rich butters and nourishing oils, and I created something that finally made a difference. Simone’s skin calmed, her appetite returned, and she slept peacefully through the night. That moment changed everything. 
Years later, this journey has led me here… I’ve been nominated for an award - The Woman Who Awards created by the incredible Sandra Garlick MBE.
From a desperate mum searching for answers to being recognised for something that started with love.
If you’ve ever struggled with sensitive skin and want to explore natural skincare that truly cares, I’d love to hear from you! Drop me an email at 
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